Senator Kamala Harris meets with children to show support to reunite children with their families at the border. July 26, 2018. Washington D.C.

A family attends a rally in Times Square, NYC to protest the Trump Administration's Muslim Ban. February 19, 2017. NYC.

A crowd in red gathers at the 'A Day Without a Woman' rally in NYC for a general strike on International Women's Day. March 8, 2017.

Black Lives Matter protests after the murder of Timothy Caughman in NYC. March 24, 2017.

The March For Science to combat science and climate denial by the Trump Administration. April 22, 2017. Washington, D.C.

A creative action in Columbus Circle, NYC to call for Congress to pass a clean DREAM Act for DACA recipients. December 2, 2018. NYC

March for Our Lives. March 24, 2018. NYC

March for Our Lives. March 24, 2018. NYC

New York District 14 Democratic Candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pleads with border patrol agents through the fence at a protest against the child separation policy. June 24, 2018.Tornillo,Tx.

Womens March mass civil disobedience action in the Hart Atrium to prostest family detention and child separation at the U.S - Mexico border. June 28, 2018. Washington, D.C.

U.S. State Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand joins the civil disobedience to protest family detention and family separation at the U.S. - Mexico border in the Hart Atrium. June 28, 2018. Washington, D.C.

U.S. Representative, Pramila Jayapal joins the civil disobedience to protest family detention and family separation at the U.S. - Mexico border in the Hart Atrium. June 28, 2018. Washington, D.C.

A coalition of dozens of organizations created Families Belong Together to combat the Trump Administration's border separation policies. Thousands marched in the streets of Washington, D.C. behind Lin Manuel Miranda, Diane Guererroa, Pramila Jayapal and Ai Jen Poo. June 30, 2018. Washington D.C.

Artist and activist Paola Mendoza created the 'I Am A Child' campaign with Families Belong Together to draw attention to the cruel child separation policy of the Trump Administration. Over 100 children and their families marched to Congress to plead with law makers to reverse this policy. July 26, 2018. Washington, D.C.

Healthcare advocate Ady Barkan is arrested for performing civil disobedience in the Capitol building protesting the Rebublican 'Tax Scam' bill. December 13, 2017. Washington, D.C.