Resisters : Behind the Scenes of the Women's March.
On January 21, 2017, The Women's March on Washington became one of the biggest global movements in American History. Over 1.2 million people attended in streets of Washington D.C. and over 5 million people marched in over 300 sister marches in cities across the globe.
Kisha had a unique and exclusive access to the courageous women that organized the movement from meetings at their New York headquarters to the final days organizing from hotel rooms in Washington D.C.
A portion of this piece was published exclusively in The Washington Post on International Women's Day, March 8, 2017.
An extended multi media exhibition entitled 'ReSisters : Behind The Scenes of The Women's March' was a featured exhibition at Photoville 2017. And many of these images and more are published in the Women's March Book 'Together We Rise : Behind The Scenes at The Protest Heard Around The World'.

Jan 13, 2017. Artistic Director, Paola Mendoza takes a call in the NYC organizing Headquarters that has been set up in the office of Harry Belafonte's Gathering for Justice office.

Jan 13, 2017. InStyle writer, Clare Stern, takes notes whilst Tamika Mallory & Sarah Sophie Flicker discuss the final stages of planning at their New York City Headquarters at Harry Belafonte's Gathering For Justice office.

Jan 13, 2017. With only three months to prepare, Paola Mendoza, Sarah Sophie Flicker, Carmen Perez & Cassady Fendlay meet and multi task in the NYC Head Office.

Jan 13, 2017. Co-chair & Executive Director of the Gathering for Justice, Carmen Perez is interviewed by Univision in the Gathering for Justice office, NYC.

Jan 13, 2017. Co-chair Carmen Perez takes a break from her office at the NYC Headquarters.

Jan 13, 2017. Women's March producer, Ginny Suss is testing out the Tattly Womens March Temporary Tattoos on Genevieve Roth & Alyssa Klein.

Jan 13, 2017. Late night meetings in Carmen Perez' office in NYC to finalize the long list of speakers. A balancing act of making sure every organization and issue is represented. L to R: Ginny Suss, Sarah Sophie Flicker, Mikael Tara Garver, Paola Mendoza and Carmen Perez.

Jan 20, 2017. Sarah Sophie Flicker sits in the conference room transformed into the Women's March Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. Co-chairs, Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour share a seat during a meeting at The Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan20, 2017. Carmen Perez leads an Inspiring and uplifting prayer at the end of a big morning meeting. Organizers and volunteers hold hands and chant in what became known as the 'War Room' at the Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. Carmen Perez leads the Assata Shakur chant in the 'War Room' at the Watergate Hotel conference room. 'We have the duty to fight for our freedom. We have the duty to Win. We must love and protect one another. We have nothing to lose but out chains.'
L to R : Meredith Shepherd, Vanessa Wruble, Carmen Perez, Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, Ginny Suss, Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs and Jenna Arnold.

Jan, 20 2017. Volunteers find any space they can at The Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. Paola Mendoza & Carmen Perez host a meeting on sponsors and logistics in a hotel room of the Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C. L to R : Tony Choi, Mikael Tara Garver, Paola Mendoza, Carmen Perez and Esther de Rothschild.

Jan 20, 2017. Poster artwork ready for March distribution is delivered to the hotel. Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. A stage production team meeting in another hotel room at the Watergate Hotel with Paola Mendoza & Ginny Suss. Left : Eisa Davis, Paola Mendoza, Ginny Suss.

Jan 20, 2017. The conference room that served as the main HQ at The Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. was aptly named 'The War Room'.

Jan 20, 2017. Sub meetings took place in any available space possible in 'The War Room'. Paola Mendoza, Carmen Perez, Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory at The Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. Strategic Advisor, Meredith Shepherd reports at an entire team meeting the day before the march at The Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. Mia Ives-Rublee of the Disability Caucus reports on the logistics for her organizations and guests at The Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 20, 2017. The team celebrate as Global Co-ordinator Evvvie Harmon announces that the very first sister march has begun in New Zealand at 4pm EST.

Jan 20, 2017. Mia Ives-Rublee of the Disability Caucus reports on the logistics for her organizations and guests at The Watergate Hotel, Washington D.C.

Jan 21, 2017. At 5am the Women's March stage is still being built. Washington D.C.

Jan 21, 2017. Head of Logistics, Janaye Ingram at 5:30am. Washington D.C.

Jan 21, 2017. 6am and the crowd is starting to form along the barriers to the Women's March stage. Alyssa Klein, Sarah Sophie Flicker, De’Ara Balenger, Paola Mendoza and Meredith Shepherd take a walk through.

Jan 21, 2017. Ginny Suss hosting a early morning production meeting by the Capitol. Washington D.C.

Jan 21, 2017. Linda Sarsour and Carmen Perez get a selfie with shunned Inauguration announcer Charlie Brotman.

Jan 21, 2017. Marchers at 7am. Washington D.C.

Jan 21, 2017. The organizers of the Women's March on Washington take the stage to welcome the marchers. L to R: Sophie Ellman-Golan, ShiShi Rose, Sarah Sophie Flicker, Bob Bland, Mia Ives-Rublee, Linda Sarsour, Janaye Ingram.

Jan 21, 2017. Marchers as far as the eye can see at 8am.

Jan 21, 2017. Janaye Ingram, Vanessa Wruble and Michael Skolnic have a conversation with Parks Association representative Leonard D. Lee about possibly adjusting the march permit as there were too many people to march on the predetermined route.

Jan 21, 2017. Tamika Mallory and her sisters Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour.

Jan 21, 2017. The Disability Caucus raising their voices front row and center for the Women's March on Washington.

Jan 21, 2017. Alyssa Klein, Ginny Suss, Janaye Ingram, Linda Sarsour and Bob Bland celebrate the beginning of a movement on stage in the final moments of the program. Washington D.C.

Jan 21, 2017. Marching with Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez, Bob Bland and Janaye Ingram.